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Showing posts from September, 2018

How do I uninstall and reinstall MySQL in Ubuntu - Windows Subsystem for Linux

Before you remove your MySQL installation, try running the following command from the CLI. mysql_secure_installation If a password hasn't been set for  root  (for MySQL), that'll prompt you to set a password and run you through a series of steps to help clean up and secure MySQL (basic security). Once set, then try running the command below to restart MySQL and see if you receive an error. service mysql restart We can troubleshoot to see what the issue is, as long as I know what errors you're receiving, or we can wipe the installation and start from scratch. To remove MySQL, first you'd want to run: apt-get remove -y mysql-* and then: apt-get purge -y mysql-* The first command removes MySQL and associated packages while the second wipes configuration. Official Page:-  Windows Doc